This film is to share with our community the essence of our school. Staff, children and parents share their thoughts about our ethos, values and curriculum aims. We hope that you enjoy it
Well done to everyone who joined in this year's Easter competition - the design brief was to make an egg into an "eggstrordinary" person from the past or present !
We have made this film to support all our children and families to know what school will be like in September. Some things will be different but lots will be the same :)
For those children who are due to start our nursery in 2020 / 21. Here is a film for you to see the areas you will be able to play in...
This film will give all our new Reception Crew a preview of their new classroom !
This film is to thank our families who have worked so hard to help their children learn at home during the 2020 Covid 19 lockdown We are so proud of you all !
Mrs Curran shares important messages as this term ends and we wish you all a Merry Christmas
Mrs Curran shares this week's award winners
Mrs Curran shares this week's important messages as we begin the advent season of the year
Mrs Curran congratulates this week's WOW and Noticed for Good Character winners !
Mrs Curran speaks about the sacrifice of our soldiers in wars and conflicts and helps us to observe a respectful silence to remember them
Mrs Curran shares this week's important messages
Staff share information for our new starters who will be joining SVP in Sep 21
Mrs Donohue shares information about our school's approach to teaching Relationships and Health Education
A video explaining how we teach phonics in reception.
As we are unable to hold a face to face new starters meeting then Miss Leddy has made an online version for you to watch
If you find your child uses different terms from those you learned at school then this video may help explain ...
Our KS2 Crews celebrating Christmas with some special readings, songs and carols.
We were very lucky to receive a special video message from a certain someone !
Our Nursery, Reception , Year 1 and 2 Crews all work together to tell the story of Grumble the Donkey one special Christmas long ago !
KS2 Pod Crew doing their Pyramid Challenge
Well done to this Reception Crew Member for excellent jumping with his cousins!
Another Nursery Crew superstar setting a great score for today's second challenge !
Our Nursery Crew Superstar combining her jumps with some number recognition practise !
Our Year 1 Crew member pushes himself even further with his jumping challenge !
This Superstar from Nursery Crew is doing well with his jumping challenge !